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What is Homosexuality?

Homo literally means homo meaning same and sexual means gender, thus homosexual or homosexual are people who are attracted to same sex or gender.

Homosexuality is the attraction of a person to the same sex. There can be two men or two women. Today in English the term LGBT is used for homosexuality.

Where L means 'lesbian' means that a woman is attracted to a woman. G means 'Gay' means that a man is attracted to a man, B means bisexual i.e. a woman or man is in love with both woman and man and T means transgender, that is, the gender of a woman or a man becomes something else after growing up at birth. By combining all these, the LGBT community i.e. Queer community has been formed.

Symptoms of homosexuality

Gay or heterosexual, there is only one 100% sure way to know if a person is gay or not - if he himself tells you that he is a homosexual.

There may be many signs of homosexuality, but there are no universal characteristics that apply to everyone at all times.

As we know that homosexuality does not have any tellable characteristics, yet there are some stereotypes on the basis of which people mostly try to identify homosexuality, such as: little boys walk like girls, dolls More interested in playing with makeup, more interested in girls' clothes.

Homosexuality causes

Many humans keep in mind homosexuality or bisexuality to be a sin, while a few see each of them as alternatives that depend on one's very own choice. But it has been proved with the aid of many scientists that homosexuality isn't always an alternative.

The causes of homosexuality are not yet clean, but genetics and the outcomes of hormones in the mom's womb and environment are idea to be elements.Scientists have additionally proved that homosexuality isn't simplest discovered in people but also in lots of animals like penguins, chimpanzees and dolphins.

Many scientists and doctors agree that gay behavior can't be changed. However there are nevertheless communities which might be engaged in homosexuality treatment efforts.

That is referred to as 'conversion therapy'. On this form of therapy, many homosexuals have attempted to make themselves heterosexual and they claim that they've changed, however this stuff aren't believed.Those treatments are condemned by using psychotherapeutic organizations. They equate those treatments with condemnation of human rights.

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